FTCE Professional Education Test – Free Test Practice Tips Online To Pass
Ever wonder why it’s hard to memorize all of your FTCE Professional Education test content?…
…Even though it’s only been a few hours since you last reviewed your FTCE Professional Education study guide?
Well, plenty of brain experts have been wondering the same thing, too: why is it so difficult to recall things that we so desperately don’t want to forget? It’s an age-old question that’s been plaguing FTCE test takers for years.
Some FTCE books claim it has the answer to this complex and enigmatic mystery.
The problem isn’t that we’re not thinking enough about this new information. In fact, quite the opposite – this study claims it’s because we’re thinking about new information too much in the first place.
You can even apply many of these FTCE Professional Education test practice tips to the FTCE Elementary Education K-6 or other Florida Teacher Certification Examinations.
FTCE practice tests (paper or PDF format) help you learn the test’s format, structure and wording better than other study materials. Just be sure the practice exam materials cover the actual exam design and framework.
But when it comes down to it, there’s a difference between simple FTCE Professional Education practice test questions – and REAL questions you’ll face. You need ‘spot-on’ accurate practice tests that reflect the actual FTCE/FELE questions you’ll face on your testing date. If you do your test score will be propelled to passing level.
A FTCE Professional Education Practice Test Question For You…
So what makes the difference between an average, run-of-the-mill practice exam and the questions you’ll see on your test date?…
The REAL Florida teacher certification Professional Education test questions require more than memorizing the information and spitting it back out at your test site. – You need to know how apply this information.
An example of this type of FTCE Professional Education test question is illustrated below. This example question applies the concept of task-appropriateness to those hypothetical classroom scenarios. It’s a type of multiple choice question the writers of the FTCE Professional Education test are fond of. In other words, this is the concept that your instruction style and assessment should always match the lesson at hand, in addition to the student’s learning style.
It may sound more complicated, but it’s not. See why…
A Popular Free FTCE Professional Education Practice Test Myth Online – Busted
For many years, FTCE Professional Education test practice methods centered on this piece of conventional wisdom: a mind at rest is a mind that’s idle. Many test prep experts believed that the mind was like a car. When it was turned on, the brain was active and ready to absorb information. However, when it was turned off (by sleep, for example), it lay dormant and idle, unable to take in new information.
However, new technology has been able to peer into the brain and determine just what our 100 billion neurons get up to while we’re sleeping. At New York University’s cognitive neuroscience lab, researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to see how our brains work while performing an activity, followed by when we sleep.
So what are the results of this study?
It turns out that people who take a nap after learning new information or a task remember it far better than those individuals who didn’t get some shut-eye. According to one study researcher, “the brain is doing work for you even while you’re resting…taking a rest may actually contribute to your success at work or school.”
Optimizing the right amount of rest with your FTCE Professional Education study sessions can help you pass!
See: The Little FTCE Mistake That Cost My $41,000 In First Year Teacher Income……
How to Maximize Your FTCE Professional Education Study Guide
With this information at hand, it might be tempting to rush off and catch up on some much-needed shut-eye. However, test prep experts say that there needs to be a method to the madness…
…And this is what they recommend:
- Your nap has to be timed so that it comes right after your study sessions. If you wait any longer, you’ll lose out on the benefits of your power nap.
- Speaking of power naps, if you’re going to nap after reviewing for your test, don’t sleep for any longer than twenty minutes. After that, your body will go into deep-sleep mode, causing you to feel drowsy and lethargic when you finally wake up.
- After waking up from that catnap, immediately review the testing that you were looking over before you went to sleep. It’s a great way to really cement that short-term information and transform it into long-term memory!
Links To Free FTCE Test Prep Tips And Tools:
A FTCE Professional Education Exam-Attack Strategy That Helps You Pass
Grab a pencil and paper, and take a look at the following multiple choice question:
“Miss Souza, a fifth-grade teacher, has students working together in small groups learning how to classify different types of animals according to scientific criteria. After this group time, the students present their findings to the classroom. Which assessment should Miss Souza use to ensure that all students participated in the group activity?”
Before you even begin to look at the answers to the question on this FTCE sample: identify the scenario that is put in front of you.
- First, note the age range: fifth-grade.
- Next, identify the goal: Miss Souza wants to ensure equal participation throughout the group. You must know that while learning new material is a primary goal, the other goal is for students to positively interact with each other. This can only happen if the teacher takes steps to ensure that all students are working together properly, and not one person is doing all of the work…
…How can you prevent that from happening?
Next Up: The Exam Question’s Answer And Rationale
Now that you’ve got these parameters in mind, let’s take a look at your answer selections:
- Have students initial which parts of the report they contributed to (an example of a popular answer choice from FTCE questions.)
- Spend time informally viewing each group to ensure that they’re all working equally.
- Have each student contribute a one-page report saying how they contributed.
- Have each group pick a leader who will ensure that everyone participates equally.
The correct answer is the second one. After all, it’s the only answer that ensures that one person isn’t doing all of the work, and eliminates any need for confusion among group roles and responsibilities.
Oh, and one other thing: note that the correct answer involves more work for the teacher. This is a surefire indicator that it’s the right one, as the makers of the FTCE exam questions love giving teachers more work!
See: Why Some People Making Passing-The-FTCE Look So Easy (And How You Can Too!)…
Author: Mark Dahlson