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FELE Test – 5 Tips To Pass Faster With Less Effort Now

If you plan to take the Florida Educational Leadership Exam (FELE test), you know the obstacles to prepare and get a passing score.

Even for veteran teachers, the high-stakes FELE exam is tough. Too tough, some say. According to WPTV, teachers say they feel

  • frustrated
  • embarrassed
  • ashamed

When they fail to pass the FELE test, even after repeated attempts. These veteran teachers’ professional evaluations show that they are good teachers. But they CAN’T PASS THE FELE!fele test study guide book to prepare for Florida Educational Leadership ExaminationAdd to the frustration and embarrassment, there is the 31 day waiting period and the added cost of retakes! Some Florida educators are ready to GIVE UP!

But there is hope for YOU.

If you are planning to take—or retake—the FELE test, YOU can plan to pass it your first time. How?

Question: Why Do Some FELE Test Takers Pass On The 1st Try — While Others Fail 1-3 Times? The Answer Might Surprise You…

There are 5 things YOU need to do NOW to pass the FTCE FELE.

FELE Study Tip #1:
Know The Content

If you KNOW the test, you can KNOW what you’ll need to pass the FELE.

fele practice test questions online preparation coursesThe content is no secret. The secret to passing the FELE is knowing the competencies tested, knowing the types of questions and know YOUR needs so you can avoid the frustration of retaking the FTCE’s (Florida Certification Teacher Exam’s) Florida Educational Leadership Exam.

The FTCE FELE (081) consists of 3 subtests which costs $215. If you choose to take only one subtest that day, you will pay the $215. The next test will cost $150 or $215 if you wish to take 2 in one sitting.

It PAYS to know what is on the FELE!

Here are the FELE subtests:

  1. Leadership for Student learning: 2 hours; 70 multiple choice questions.
  2. Organizational Development: 2 hours; 70 multiple choice questions.
  3. Systems Leadership (2 parts): 90 minutes; 55 multiple choice questions PLUS 60 minutes for 1 written performance question about student data in a specific school setting (elementary, high school, etc.).

Don’t let these vague details frustrate you!

Specific details, or a blueprint of the FELE can be found on the “Competencies and Skills and Blueprints” tab on the FELE test blueprint page. This page will show the basic knowledge you need for ALL 3 of the FELE subtests.

Your first step is to read carefully through the competencies.

Now, go 1 step further:

  • print out ALL 9 pages
  • reread the competencies
  • highlight your weakest areas!

Use this to find the BEST FELE study guides for YOU!

Check-Out: Why The Last 2 Weeks Before The FELE Are The Longest And Best Opportunity To Get A Passing Score

FELE Practice Tip #2:
Choose The Best Study Guides for the FELE

Any FELE study guide you choose should address EVERY competency you have highlighted. But it should do more.

Use research to choose the BEST FTCE study materials for YOU.

Find FELE practice tests that match the FELE competency blueprint.Buy before you read FELE test prep reviews from real test-takers!
Seek FELE study guides that focus on YOUR FELE highlighted “problem” areas.Buy outdated FTCE sample questions and books.
Find prep guides that include more than 1 FELE practice test. Research says practice tests are the best prep!Limit your FELE studies to just one type of test-prep material. Look for FELE practice questions, flashcards, study guides and online extra help!
Choose FELE practice exams with clear explanations for right and wrong answers.Settle for FELE test study guides with typos or wrong answers!
Find tips to take FELE multiple choice questions.Buy FELE study books with generic tips.
Find tips to take the written exam WITH a scoring rubric just like the 6 point FELE rubric.Purchase FELE practice test questions that lack examples of the FELE essay rubric scores.

Don’t wait to purchase the BEST FELE test study guides for YOU. Research shows that your preparation for high stakes tests can reduce your test anxiety. So start preparing for your FELE exam NOW!

Find-out: If Your FTCE Preparation Materials Are Wasting Your Time And Risking Your Future…

FELE Prep Tip #3:
Research Shows YOU How To Use FELE Study Guides

A Tufts University study on stress and memory showed “. . .it is not necessarily a matter of how much or how long someone studies, but how they study.”

So how should YOU study for the FELE?

  1. Set a daily schedule to study at least 1 MONTH ahead of your FELE.
  2. Don’t CRAM! Set aside blocks of time (20-40 minutes; 10 minute break; study 20-40 minutes, etc.) each day.
  3. After a week of test preparation, take a FELE practice exam. Score it.
  4. Read the answer explanations for both your correct and incorrect answers. Learn which questions and answers cause problems for YOU.
  5. Now, focus your study time on the FELE competencies YOU need to know and the test-taking strategies that follow in #4 and #5!

Links To Free FTCE Test Prep Tips And Tools:


FELE Study Tip #4:
How To Answer Multiple Choice Questions

Basically, here are the numbers of questions YOU need to answer correctly to pass the FELE test. The fl.nesinc site gives approximate numbers based upon which form of the FELE you take.

  • Subtests 1 & 2= 70 questions; 49 must be correct
  • Subtest 3= 55 questions; ACE 40 questions* and you have passed the multiple choice portion

But FELE Subtest 2 bases 33% of its questions on “development and retention of high-performing, diverse faculty and staff.” Focus your studies on this area. 23 of 70 questions, or nearly ½ the questions YOU NEED to PASS are based on this competency.

As you take FELE practice tests, do MORE than just narrow the answer to the best 2 choices. Do this as you practice the FELE multiple choice segments:

  1. Mark FELE questions that take YOU longer to answer.
  2. Read carefully ALL of the explanations for BOTH correct and incorrect answers.
  3. Look for patterns (same words, phrases) in the answers YOU chose incorrectly.
  4. Look for patterns in the questions that YOU answered incorrectly or that took your time.
  5. Use those patterns to learn about your test-taking skills: which key words or phrases pose problems for YOU? Remember them the next practice test!

You can pass the FELE multiple choice segments if you spend the time learning the competencies and the test!

FELE Test Practice #5:
How To Get Full Points On The “Written Performance Assessment”

Even if you pass the FELE subsection 3 multiple choice questions, you must still pass the written portion SEPARATELY to pass subsection 3. Your score is NOT based on an average of the 2!

The 6-point FELE rubric will be scored by 2 people. Their scores are added together to create a 12-point score.

To pass the written section of the FELE, you must earn 7 points out of the 12 possible. If you can achieve a 4 from both, you will pass this segment.

Those who have failed will warn you: 1 point CAN make a difference!

Here’s what YOU need to know! Your FELE written essay must show:

  • Understanding of the data. HINT: spend 5-10 minutes of your writing time just reading the FELE data so YOU understand and can explain it!
  • A strong topic sentence. HINT: use key words from the question to create it.
  • Specific details and examples. HINT: use the FELE data in the question; explain what the data MEANS!
  • Accuracy. HINT: double check ALL of your statistics and labels!
  • Info the audience can understand. HINT: a specific audience will be given in your FELE question. Reread your answer as though YOU are that audience!
  • Organization that’s easy to read. HINT: plan 3 main points BEFORE you begin your essay.

For more information on the scoring the FELE written performance assessment, check the FELE pdf at

Your FELE practice test should give you many examples of questions and answers scored as 1, 2, 3, etc.

Study the questions. Practice reading and interpreting data tables or statistics. Ask yourself, “What does this info mean to different people?”

Study the answers. Match YOUR answers to the examples given. Or ask a colleague to score your work. Then repeat.

The Florida Educational Leadership Exam is high stakes. Many bright, talented educators have failed the exam more than once.

Don’t despair. Learn all you can about the FELE Competencies and practice, practice, practice. You CAN succeed!

But don’t wait! Choose to use the best study aids now to help you pass the FELE!

Go to: This Epiphany About The FELE Helped Me Pass, Buy My Teacher Colleagues Ignored It And Failed…

Author: Mark Dahlson