Today is When Is Your Testing Date?

“Free MCAT Prep Course Tips That Boost Your Test Score”

If you’re getting ready for your Medical College Admission Test exam date, then it doesn’t take a psychic to realize that you’re working under serious MCAT test prep pressure right now.

And it’s not just pressure to do your best. We’re talking about buckling under the pressure to keep up your GPA in preparation for applying to medical school. We’re talking about preserving your sanity under the stress of school, work and prep for the MCAT test.

In fact, sometimes the best way to have the most effective test preparation sessions and guarantee a stellar exam score is to make sure that the rest of your life is in tip-top order.

Listen – we know that it’s hard balancing work and life with prep for the MCAT. That’s why I’m ready to dish out the greatest tips for you to feast your eyes on. These are the kinds of tips that separate test practice fact from fiction…

…And that can make all of the difference in getting the high score you need for acceptance into the medical school of your dreams.

MCAT Test Prep: Get the Real Scoop on What it Takes for Success

You’re a busy student. And as far as you’re concerned, you don’t want to pour through countless practice exams and hundreds of pages of study material to discover the difference between MCAT testing fact and fiction.

That’s why we’re ready to expose these facts for you – so you can get on with your life and that medical career of your dreams!

  • If you’re wondering whether or not to take the MCAT test before finishing your school prerequisites, it’s best to just wait and finish those classes before undergoing MCAT exam prep. You may not believe it, but some of those “unnecessary” prerequisites can actually help you blast yourself to the test scores you need – especially when it comes to the verbal reasoning and writing portions of the exam!
  • Don’t mix your study and prep courses for the MCAT with a heavy school workload. You shouldn’t feel as though you’re running on a timeline in order to take this notoriously hard exam. In fact, you should take the exam during the semester where your course workload is the lightest. After all, straining yourself between the two will only result in a low GPA and poor testing results – and that will keep you out of the medical school you have your heart set on.
  • Take a few practice exams in the most uncomfortable scenarios. Go to a noisy library and answer a few prep MCAT questions there. Sit in a really uncomfortable chair and take the examination. Use that pencil that you can’t stand. These factors will all help you to get comfortable in any testing scenario – not to mention that it’ll make the testing center feel like a luxurious spa!
  • Even if you do poorly the first time, don’t let it bring you down. Heck, a lot of medical students don’t get their ideal score the first time – and when it comes to this test, it’s practically a ritual. Allow yourself to take the test a second time if necessary. Keep this in mind and as a plan B to lower so you lower the pressure during your MCAT examination prep and test taking.

If you’re ready for the kind of test prep practice help for scoring higher on your MCAT test…

Go to: How To Get A Higher Score On The Medical College Admission Test now.